Things to Ask of Your Caregivers

Mental illness can be debilitatingly powerful.  It can cause you to lose simple daily functioning, contact with friends and family, & your sense of self.  You might lay in bed all day.  You might spend all of your money gambling. You might harm yourself physically over & over until someone notices.  

I hope all of you have a safe person to go to with any troubles you may have, someone who can understand your bad days and give them a smidge of hope.  I know some of you won’t, & I hope you know I am always here. 

Here are some things it’s okay to ask of that person in your life:


It’s okay to ask for it.  It’s okay to need it.  It’s okay to say, “Today is a hard day.  Do you mind making me lunch?”  It’s okay to stay in your safe place, whether that be your bed or your garden or your car driving.  

Just know that asking for help is not bad. 


This one is huge for me.  When I forget to take my meds, & it happens some days, I almost always have a rough couple of days.  A simple text or verbal prompt in the morning can do so much for my forgetful noggin: hey Kels, you taken your meds today?

Now don’t get me wrong, if someone sees me being moody & says, “Whoa, take your meds, girl,” I’m gonna be a lil more than moody. But simple reminders are different, & quite frankly & literally, a lifesaver. 


Sometimes you don’t want help. You don’t want anyone trying to “fix” your problems.  Ask nicely, & hopefully your caregiver will be understanding. 


Like I mentioned earlier, mental illness is tough stuff.  It makes even simple tasks hard.  Asking for an extension at work, or for your mom to understand why you haven’t cleaned your room yet, is an understandable request.  

Utilize it.  Don’t feel bad.  

You are enough.

These things are not always easy to do, but the biggest thing I want you to know is you are worth your caregivers’ efforts. You are not a burden.  You are beautiful & enough. 

I hope you got something out of this post, & as always, stay mighty. 
